Alanna Cartier Alanna Cartier

10 Steps to Build Creative Confidence

I think confidence is something that all creatives struggle with. There is no roadmap on this creative journey. We are all forging our own path. It’s easy to feel as if you are the only one who has no idea what the heck you are doing. If this is something you struggle with, here are some strategies I’ve found to build your confidence…

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Alanna Cartier Alanna Cartier

Talent is a Myth

A few weeks ago I was sitting around the table for a dinner party. We were somewhere between soup and salad, when talk turned to my art. And then it happened, someone said it. You are so talented. For a second the words hung in the air, unanswered.

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Alanna Cartier Alanna Cartier

12 Books Every Creative Needs to Read

When I’m looking to learn a new skill or undertake a new adventure, books are the first place I turn. So when I first got the crazy idea to turn my creativity into a career, these are the books I found that helped me along the path.

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